But today, totally by accident, I ran across another web page (from Indonesia, no less!!) that had a TON of my recipes and photos posted as if they were this persons own work; not a single mention or link back to my recipe page at all!! So I started looking around the Internet, and I was shocked to see how "common" this practice is.
So far, it seems that all of my photos that were swiped, were one's I posted before 2011. I'm guessing that must be, because in 2011, I started putting my name on my recipe photos; evidently, people don't like to steal photos that are labeled (I wish I had known that!!)
The funny thing is, is that I'm a terrible photographer!! Why are they stealing MY photos when there are so many great ones out there? Maybe mine are the ONLY ONES not labeled(?)
Lesson for the day:
I am slowly going back through and labeling my old recipe photos, but it is a pain to do.
Thanks for listening to my rant.
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